003 – When We Lose Our Why for What We Do

Today’s episode will be about the why, how, and what concept of the book, Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action by Simon Sinek. Ann will share how she applied that concept to her life and how it has impacted her decisions. Ann’s goal for this podcast is to inspire you to create your why’s that will inspire you.

Ann will also share three action steps you can take to figure out why you do the things you do and whether it aligns with your values. Knowing your purpose, values, and why’s is one of the essential things that will help you achieve what you need to do in life. Ann talked about the imposter syndrome and its relation to self-worth in the first two episodes. So, after you learn to validate your self-worth intrinsically, then you can create goals that you want to achieve because you have a strong why. Listen in to learn more about this concept!

Key Points From This Episode:

  • In this episode, Ann talks about three concentric circles – the why, how, and what concept from the book, Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action by Simon Sinek.
  • Many people have different why’s. It’s the first thing you have to figure out or establish.
  • Knowing your why helps you live a life of authenticity.
  • Living a life of authenticity means what you say and what you do reflects what you believe in.
  • Once you have figured out your why, you go to your how, which is the process.
  • The last circle is the what or the result of going through that process.
  • There are three steps you can take to examine your why’s.
  • Review your relationships and action steps or career paths that you have taken or any forward plans.
  • Review anything you’re doing that you may or may not fully believe in or maybe something that you’ve lost your passion.
  • Perform the celery test mentioned in the book to analyze if what you’re doing right now fully aligns with your values or your why.


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3 - When We Lose Our Why for What We Do