014 – How We Can Avoid the Sunk Cost Fallacy and Have the Courage to Pivot to What We Love to Do? with Dr. Rami Wehbi

An enormous amount of sunk cost plays into the medical profession. You dedicate four years to pre-med, four years of medical school, $300,000 worth of debt, and another three to five years to become a physician. The further you get, the more sunk cost you have, and the more trapped you become.

How can you avoid the sunk cost fallacy and have the courage to leave everything behind and pursue your true passion? Listen to this episode with Dr. Rami Wehbi as he shares his experience leaving his medical internship to do what he actually wants to do.


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14 - How We Can Avoid the Sunk Cost Fallacy and Have the Courage to Pivot to What We Love to Do?



Dr. Rami Wehbi, DO is a graduate from Michigan State University and a current Family Medicine Resident Physician at UMass. He completed his intern year of a Family Medicine Residency at Penn Highlands in DuBois, PA. Dr. Rami is passionate about serving the underserved, particularly the refugee population, and is committed to helping those in need.

He hosts the Beyond Medicine podcast and is on a mission to share thoughtful and inspiring conversations from leaders in medicine and beyond. Through his podcast, Dr. Rami relays a holistic view of health that addresses both human experience and medicine. After reading this post, I encourage you to check out the Beyond Medicine podcast and start listening to all the wonderful interviews he has available!


Rami’s Podcast:
