051. How to Dominate Real Estate Capital and Medical Education as a Full-Time Hematologist-Oncologist with dr. Sanjay Sharma

In this episode, join us as we sit down with Dr. Sanjay Sharma, a full-time Hematologist-Oncologist, who shares insights on dominating both the realms of real estate capital and the medical field. Dr. Sharma discusses his journey, emphasizing the strategic decision to incorporate real estate to attain passive growth while dabbling into his medical career.

Delving into mindset shifts, he provides advice on overcoming the fear of risks and setting oneself up for long-term goals. Tune in for a unique perspective on thriving in diverse professional domains.

Key Points From This Episode:

  1. Guest Introduction
  2. The reason why he chose real estate alongside his medical profession.
  3. How to change your mindset when you’re scared of taking risks.
  4. Setting yourself up for long-term goals.
  5. Healthcare would be better if you could utilize all your skills, learning, and heart for each patient.
  6. You have to create time and learn how to manage it effectively to be productive.
  7. Categorizing the things you do using the Eisenhower Matrix.
  8. How to get into real estate if you want options and time freedom.


Listen to the previous episodes here


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51 - How to Dominate Real Estate Capital and Medical Education Ventures as a Full-Time Hematologist-Oncologist with Dr. Sanjay Sharma

00:05 Dr. Ann Tsung Are you struggling to advance your career and sacrificing time with your loved ones because of endless to-dos, low energy, and just not enough time in the day? If so, then this podcast is for you. I am your host Dr. Ann Tsung, an ER critical care and space doctor, a peak performance coach, real estate investor, and a mother of a toddler. I’m here to guide you on mastering your mind and give you the essential skills to achieve peak performance. So welcome to Productivity MD, where you can learn to master your time and achieve the five freedoms in life.

00:52 Hello. Welcome to Productivity MD Podcast. And I am your host Dr. Ann Tsung. Today I have Dr. Sanjay Sharma here. He is a full-time hematologist and oncologist and also created his own private real estate equity company. The reason why I brought him here, we have the same coach essentially in life, in business, in real estate. And I just thought that his story is pretty amazing for a physician to be able to do full-time physician work and also to try to achieve passive income for real-time freedom, for location freedom, for financial freedom. So I really want to dig into his brain to see why he does what he does, and also how he’s doing what he’s doing. So Dr. Sharma, thank you so much for being on the show. Could you give us a little bit more detailed introduction of what you currently do, where you’re from, and why you do what you do?

01:46 Dr. Sanjay Sharma Yeah, sure. Ann, thank you for inviting me. It’s truly an honor. I remember first time that I met you and the first time I started listening to your podcast. You do really incredible stuff for both yourself, your family, your kids, your husband, and for all the listeners. So it really is an honor. So about myself, like you had mentioned, I am a full-time hematologist-oncologist. I also have a private real estate equity company. I also have a medical education company. In addition, a father. I’ve got a dog, two teenage kids.

So you asked me to explain more of what I do. Like most of the physician listeners on this podcast, I have my day clinic seeing the 20, 25 patients. Then everything outside of that is involved with family and in real estate, if you will. And so what we do is, we search the country. We search for asymmetrical risk benefits, or I should say risk rewards, in terms of what are the properties out there which are super, super safe but have the rewards where we can give our investors double digit returns, and make sure that it’s a good opportunity for them. And also, recognizing that most of my investors are physicians, I also look to a nation of doctors who are free — like you were describing before — of financial, location, geography and, most importantly, mindset so we can make healthcare a better place. Just imagine if all patients could go to doctors who were just complete insight, if you will. That’s what I hope to bring. And likewise, for what you do and your teachings in your podcast, your teaching physicians to get into that space also.

03:31 Dr. Ann Tsung Yeah, if you can have a physician who is not pressured to make that door-to-doc time, to make that certain number of patients seen in clinic per hour, and they don’t have that financial stressor, then that physician, I’ve heard that they feel much happier when they actually go into work. They feel like they have time to listen, et cetera. Can you tell me a little bit of, well, why do you have the medical education company as well? Why did you pick real estate and the reason why you’re even searching for the five freedoms in the first place? Other than you told me that you want freedom to treat the patients as they deserve to be treated, is there anything else?

04:15 Dr. Sanjay Sharma Yeah, so I’ve always had this spirit inside of me. I’ve always been taught. I think it goes back to my teachings of my grandfathers actually. We were always taught just to be the best at everything that you can be. He’s now passed away, but I looked up to how he led his life. Likewise, for anyone who comes from an immigrant family on how the people who came to this country have gone through challenges, have gone through risk far greater than what I’ve ever felt and definitely what my kids will ever feel. I always grew up with that kind of mentality. That no matter what you do, my grandfather taught me that you have to be the best. You have to work towards it. He had a few words with Gandhi. He was a freedom fighter. He came to the US. He brought his kids here. That generation of that family are super, super successful in terms of professional fields, in terms of politics and then raising great kids. So I had that in me.

05:17 I was always the type of person who wanted to change the world. Somehow, some way, I was going to change the world. I just didn’t know the avenues, and maybe I still don’t know what those avenues are. So I’ve always had this feeling inside of me that I need to make great and big changes. A, that lead me into medicine. I mean, there are very few professions that can do what we do and make the impact that we can. There’s an absolute pure sanctity in a patient room when you’re with a patient and you’re helping that patient. We’re blessed to be given that opportunity. That brought me into medicine. Oncology was a natural fit for me in terms of my appreciation of the research and in terms of the intensities of what patients and families go through and how I can play a part in that. Medical education also. I love, love to mentor. I love to teach. I’m in private practice. So this gave me an outlet in terms of influencing trials, mentoring younger physicians, educating existing healthcare providers. And so that was my avenue into that field.

06:27 Then lastly, real estate. Real estate, to me, is an asset class that can be mastered, especially at the level of a physician, in whom we make very, very complex decisions all the time. So it’s a field that you can master. It’s an asset class in which you can help families, help the community, help your tenants, and bring your investors quite frankly really good returns. As an example — this is an example I use often — is we’re taught as doctors. Well, the way to become a doctor is, you get good grades. You decided to become a doctor. And quite literally, at age 20 years old, you start on the path, right? You go through college. You take all your classes. Then you’re like, alright, I’m ready to go to med school. You get admitted to med school, and you’re like 20, 21 22, whatever you are. You’re young. Then that sets the course of your life. Literally, you’re done. You got to study the heck. You got to spend a lot of hours doing it. But once you’re in, you’re done. You’re apprenticed into this field. We do amazing things. That’s what we’re taught. Part of that teaching process was, okay, drop your money in a 401K and let it run, and retire when you are 70. I mean, when I first started practice, I’m like, what? Why would people retire at 70? That is so dumb. I am young. I am young at 70. I got to practice until I’m 75, 80 years old. But obviously, as we get mature, as we get more wisdom, we change.

07:53 Going back to the asset classes, I remember a few years ago, I was going to open up a Vanguard account. They’re like, oh, you already have a Vanguard brokerage account. Huh? I don’t know why. So I figured out the password and logged in. It was like $30,000. I was like, oh, my God. That is amazing. I was like, why do I have $30,000 in there? I went back. My days I watched Hugh — we were talking in the green room that we both went to watch Hugh Burns for training — I dropped like $6,000 or $7,000 in there. It had grown over 20 years to $30,000, which is amazing. Much better than finding that $20 bill in your jean’s pocket. But what if I had had that in a different asset class? What if I was getting 10%, 15%, 20% returns tax deferred? That’s possibly life changing, right? That could have been $100,000, $150,000. That makes a bigger impact on a person’s life than that nice tick of 6%, 7% return. So I am hoping that all the physicians and all my investors, they share in that and they recognize that there’s a way for financial independence. And if you have that income coming in, you can. You can be able to practice medicine the way you want to practice. You can travel. You can do all that kind of stuff.

09:09 Dr. Ann Tsung So essentially, you’re buying time, right? More time. So in your younger days, rather than waiting until 65, 70, you cash out your 401k and retire. Looking at other people’s whys and for the physicians, how would you change your mindset? What would you say to them if they are scared of taking a risk, or they don’t have time to learn what they don’t know, or that is it safe, and they don’t want to diversify because this works? What else have I heard? Just that they’re okay. They accept that they will retire at 65.

09:49 Dr. Sanjay Sharma Okay. So I’m going to summarize what you say. Essentially, you talked about fear, right? You talked about the risks. I don’t have the time. I don’t know how to do it. That’s all, I combined it in an adjective of fear. Then you talked about comfort. Okay. To begin with, it’s okay and it’s understandable to be in any of those situations. I have been and I am in different phases of that in how I do my life, and I’m sure you are also.

10:21 Doctors, we are naturally, very, very analytical and we’re naturally doubtful. How many trials have you looked at where you questioned the trials? These have been already done. The scientists have created these medicines in it, and then you start questioning and questioning. What’s the inclusion criteria? What’s the set of data? That’s our natural tendency that we’ve been trained to do. Therefore, if we’re looking at finances, and it’s something that we haven’t been trained towards, there’s going to be natural analytical questions. We’re naturally not going to accept it. That’s just our behavior. So it does take a mindset shift to recognize what goals you want in terms of finances, and then to recognize what are the different asset classes that you can do to get there.

11:15 Once you’re in that situation, things become kind of easier. I mean, in terms of meditations, we talked about guided meditations, right? Can you guide yourself to a particular end goal? Can you picture yourself at that end goal, whatever it may be, and then put it in real terms and drive yourself forward? Or, I should say, I didn’t want to say pull yourself forward because you’re being guided. You’re being needed. You’ve already set the path. It goes back to the med school example. I went to med school — I don’t know — when I was 22, 23, whatever it was. All I did is I showed up, right? Then they just guided me. They said, okay, you take a test on this day. You study this material. You got this rotation, and that’s what you do. You got to match. Okay. You got to sign up for a residency program. That’s really all we would do, except someone already knew what their path was.

12:06 The other thing about doctors is, we love our autonomy. We love having control. These are the ways that you have control. You got to picture where you want to be in the future, and you got to guide yourself. So when I think about fear, I think about it’s not necessarily that there’s a fire in front of you or a saber-toothed tiger is about to eat you up. It’s recognizing that what’s over there, and now we just have to go along this pathway. Then we’ll talk about fear. You quite literally just have to do it. See one. Do one. Teach one. You’re in critical care. I mean, you do things that I didn’t want to do as a medical oncologist. A lot of those procedures, yeah, I did in residency. But that’s just what you do. You think about the first time intubated someone, that’s crazy scary. You got your first code. It’s like, oh, my goodness, right? Whatever it may be. The first time I ever gave chemotherapy, the first time I gave a diagnosis for someone with malignancy X, Y, or Z, or I told him that they were progressing, that’s kind of scary stuff. But we do that all the time. We do that every single day all the time. It’s like no sweat off our back. We look at life problems. We look at health issues as experts. So yeah, you got to guide yourself. Two, your correct. There’s fear. Then you just got to jump into it. I guarantee you can handle it.

13:25 The next thing to talk about is, you also mentioned how to complement. What if someone’s like, I’ll work till I’m 70, 75? Which is perfectly okay. I mean, I still may work. I love medicine. I love, love oncology. And I may still be practicing at 75. I don’t know. But it’s a fact that you have options. Is this what I want to do? Or, do I want to do this? Or, do I want to do both? Or, do I want to go this route or the other? There’s a friend that both you and I have. He gives a talk titled ‘And Not Or.’ So the idea is, yeah, I want to practice medicine. I want to be an oncologist. But you know what? I also want to have a real estate equity company. You know what? I also want to mentor young physicians and young financial entrepreneurs. It’s not that I am seeing patients today, I’m seeing patients until I turn 65, and then I stop and I do something else. Or, I want to start a real estate equity company, or I want to practice medicine. So that’s how I look at comfort. It’s okay to be comfortable. But just recognize that you can have choices in what you want to do in terms of comfortableness.

14:35 Dr. Ann Tsung Yeah, thank you so much. There’s definitely a lot to unpack here. Number one is, if you can change your mindset and imagine the goal where you want to go, and you will be guided there in real estate if that’s where you want to go. But really, actually, to back up a little bit, real estate is just — this is a productivity podcast. Why are we even talking about real estate? Because real estate is an avenue that’ll give you extra time and extra financial freedom. Like you said, you can be comfortable and have multiple identities at the same time and have choices. And you go a step further. What do you want to do with that extra time in terms of this? What do you want to be productive in?

15:16 A lot of people, they actually want to spend more time with their kids. They don’t want to work nights and weekends because it jeopardizes the quality time, the precious time they have with their family and their health, too. They just want to be able to tick off for a month to travel, et cetera. They want to maybe have different contributions. They want to contribute to different charities, but they’re kind of stuck working in the treadmill, in the golden handcuff. So it just gives you — it’s not giving you more money, but it’s what the money gives you in the end, the feeling, the time that it gives you. And this is why we’re talking about it on our productivity podcast. Because this is one avenue to get you to be able to be productive in your life. When I say productive, it’s not just in business. It’s being productive with your family, with your loved ones, with your friends, too, and not let them go.

16:08 Then regarding the fear, that is so right. If you can make a decision on EPI, on codes, on amio and things like that, I’m calling a code, you don’t think you can go out and learn that knowledge that you need in order to buy you time back faster? I mean, come on. Seriously, we have all the skills that we need right now to learn this asset class. So you’re so right. We often feel like we’re just kind of stuck in one field only. That’s it and nothing else. Like, I’m not good at business. I’m not a business person. I’m not a salesperson. I’m not a marketing person, et cetera. So I really appreciate everything that you stated. I wonder what are your goals in, say, 30 or 40 years? What would you want to have seen created? What kind of impact? What kind of contribution? How much passive income, et cetera?

17:05 Dr. Sanjay Sharma I’m actually going to back up before I answer that question, because I’m glad how you summarized what I was saying. The whole time, I was emphasizing time. And I emphasized a certain time period. And you are also. A, I talked about 20 years in terms of what happened from residency to now. Two, I talked about retiring at 75. And three, I talked about the things I have interest in now that I spend my focus on. Then you appropriately brought it back into, hey, you know what? This is about productivity. You appropriately brought it to palpable real-life situations. Like, what are you doing? Or, how can you spend time with your kids today, your friends today, your family today, your colleagues, maybe just yourself? That’s a practical reality that all this stuff that you’re talking about and I am talking about brings you.

17:58 Now let’s look at the bigger picture. Let’s talk about 30 or 40 years from now and what I hope to see, what my vision is in that time period. So I’ll start off by saying that both you and I are ignited by shortening time frames, right? So when you say 30 years, in my head, I immediately say okay, what I’m going to accomplish in 30 years, I’ll do it in 10. Well, when my goal is in 10, it’s in 3. When my goal is three, it’s one year. What my goal in one year is, well, that’s going to be quarter four of 2023. What I want to say is, I truly want to see a nation of free physicians. When I say free, I mean physicians who have the freedoms that they’re looking for. I truly strongly believe that health care will be better if you can utilize all your skills and all your learning and all your heart to each individual patient, and not be stuck in whatever spot we’re putting when we’re clocking in, clocking out. We still may be clocking in and clocking out, but you may not be held within that framework if you have other income coming in, if you have side income coming this way, this way, this way, if your mindset is free. So I look forward to a nation of physicians like that.

19:13 Two, I look for my company to grow. I hope to be a formidable multi-family syndication company in the country, that we’re known to the nations of brokers and financiers that this is a strong physician group that comes into a property with hundreds of doctors with 800 FICO scores and tons of net worth. And we can take down deals. 30 to 40 years from now — my kids are now teenagers — they’re going to be having family. They’re maybe going to be having kids. My wife and I are very blessed that we have a niece that’s two years old. I kind of get the idea of what grandparents feel like with kids. Man, we’d love spending time with a baby.

19:58 In terms of family, it’s going to be enjoying that time. And I am hoping that the generational wealth I bring is that those kids, the second and third generations directly from me, can enjoy those times. That maybe we’re traveling. Maybe we’re not within the limits of what society has given us. When I say that, maybe we’re not just stuck in one geographical area. Maybe we are studying in India. My family is at a school in India. I’ve never been to. I’ve never contributed to it. But maybe that’s something that we can grow. So those are all part of my visions. It involves my family. It involves my investors. It involves the communities that we’re going to be building and growing. That’s where I see myself in the future. And some way, somehow, I’m still going to be involved in medicine doing something.

20:47 Dr. Ann Tsung Then for those of you guys listening, we talked about the mindset shift in creating that goal, the end vision. So this is a perfect example of an ambitious vision, of BHAG goal or big hairy audacious goal. That you want all physicians to feel free in some way, either financial, either in mindset, either location. If you have emotional and mindset freedom, I think that’s like the Holy Grail. So if you can just, right now, if you haven’t set that type of goals, set that type of end vision in 30, 40 years, that would be one thing that you can do right now after this podcast. Because that is going to dictate what actions that you take the next year or really the next week. That’s how soon you’re going to take action to get you towards that goal.

21:35 And so you talked about that you want to spend time with your niece, your teenagers. Later on, they’re going to grow and have their kids, of course. You’ve already created a lot as a full-time hematologist-oncologist. So I am curious how you’re able to create these multiple companies. I’m curious on how you found the time. And is there any routine, habits, resources that you found the most useful to help you learn this and take action on it?

22:09 Dr. Sanjay Sharma Yeah, it’s, A, you have to create time, and you have to know how to create time. So your productivity podcast, this is one of my many notebooks. Where when I wake up in the morning, this is what I go to. Where I have it outlined in this — I can go into further detail. I use the Eisenhower matrix every day, in which I categorize things in either being important, not important, and urgent and non-urgent. I’ll tell you, the first time I heard about it, it didn’t really make sense to me.

22:40 To simplify, I would say how it’s typically simplified in which I do myself is, what’s the non-important stuff that’s really not urgent that you can get rid of? Social media, TV, whatever it may be. I mean, this is stuff you talk about all the time. I know how incredibly good you are because I’ve known you for a while, and I’ve heard the things that you do. So you should be actually teaching me. But this is how I have a very productive and focused day, week, month, goals, et cetera. I know before I go to the gym in the morning what are — I’ve already worked on the division when you’re talking about the 30, 40 years. How do I make myself, my mindset, and my business to move into that direction? I know what are the important and urgent things that need to be done today, whether it’s contacting brokers, or doing a phone call, or sending a message, or setting up investor calls, or posting on my LinkedIn, or replying to my LinkedIn. Then in terms of family. Then I also have I have a VA, so I also have it planned out. What am I going to give to my VA? What am I going to delegate to my executive assistant to take care of things?

23: 55 Then now, so I wake up at 4 AM. By the time I go to gym at 5:30, I got all of this down and all of this accomplished. A, I created time in terms of when I wake up. Although, I will tell you I’ve always been a morning — I’ve been always early. I talked about my grandfather. That was his teaching. You wake up early. My dad, you wake up early. Me, I wake up early. It’s just like our thing. So that has always been set in my pattern, if you will. But then what I had to do, what I had to learn is, I had to organize the time. It’s not so much you just wake up early. You kind of mess around. You’re just like on your phone, then you eat and then negotiate. Make it to the gym, and then you go. It’s, how do you make that productive? So then, that’s an hour and a half every day for a week. So you’ve created what? Eight hours already of time that was there, but I actually created it to make it productive.

24:52 Then secondly, the other things you do is, you recognize what are the times you have after your day job, and between there and what you need to do with your family, your household, and all that kind of stuff. So if I’m starting out with all of this organized, for which you can’t see my notebook, then I can account for those hours. For example, for today, I had it planned. Then on my drive, I was doing a phone call involving my medical education building, my education company. Then it’s followed up by this podcast recording with you. It’s kind of all in there without the stress of a to-do list.

25:37 To-do lists are really darn stressful. It’s like, oh, God. I got to do this. I got to do that. Or, think about in your office. Uh, I got another note to do. I got to take care of this. But now we’ll call it a to-do list, but it’s categorized. I created it. This is my autonomy. And like you were describing before, this is what’s getting me 30 years from now. And now I’m 30 years minus one day. Tomorrow, I’d be 30 years minus 2 days because I’m reaching those goals. So when you asked about how I create time, one, waking up early. Two, being productive — then I give you a tool in terms of how I stay productive both in hiring VA and delegating — too in using this matrix. That’s my mojo right now. That’s my plan.

26:26 Dr. Ann Tsung Yeah, I completely agree. There’s a golden hour of trauma resuscitation, and then there’s the golden hour of productivity in the morning. If you can have your three priorities set from your Eisenhower done — all resources pulled out, ready to go the night before, the morning up, you just tackle it and you feel — I mean, you’ll be done in one hour. Like you said, it’s not how much more time you need. It’s how much in flow and how much optimized you can be in that one hour that you have. I’m curious. I do hear a lot that when you have young kids, and you’re doing all these things at night and all these prep things in the morning, how can you go to bed early enough to wake up early enough?

27:11 Dr. Sanjay Sharma Well, my kids are older so they don’t need as much caretaking, if you will, for me. Also, my wife does most of them. But I’m pretty tired by the end of the day. 9, 10 o’clock, I’m pretty beat. And like you were saying, the golden hour for me is the morning. So, yeah, I sleep early. I don’t sleep at midnight, unless I’m out on the weekends and stuff like that. So, yeah, for me, it’s early sleep for sure.

27:40 Dr. Ann Tsung Okay. Got it. I definitely agree with what you said about hiring an executive assistant. A lot of us feel like it has to be very expensive. It’s definitely way cheaper than your own hourly rate. So if you’re doing something that is way less than your hourly rate like cleaning, cooking, handyman work, et cetera, yard work, then you’re doing these things for a very expensive rate. So I would definitely suggest outsourcing all of your little tasks that’s not in your zone genius. That’s how you can have people work for you while you’re doing your clinic work, essentially. So the wheel is still churning while you’re in clinic and seeing the patients.

28:21 Dr. Sanjay Sharma You know, I’ll tell you another little hack. I remember you talking to me about this. Even like the automated stuff. Well, I’ll tell you one automated stuff which sounds so dumb, but it made a big difference in my life. Instead of setting my alarm the night before, I have set it on my iPhone for the whole week and the weekends. I don’t have to touch my phone. It’s like an automated thing.

28:43 I remember you talking to me once about how you use your VA to do things which are relatively easy to do, whether it’s Amazon shopping or ordering stuff. In a lot of modern economy, there’s a lot we can just do on a phone like making dinner reservations or all that kind of stuff. But you know who else can do that? It’s an executive assistant. Those little five-minute activities, remembering your password and all those kinds of stuff, that adds up. That little 30-second thing I have to do to set my alarm in the morning is taken away. Some people are like, “Oh, yeah, that sounds awesome to have an executive assistant.” But then, everything is so automated now. Do I really need it? Modern economy is set where you can just kind of do everything on your phone. Even those little phone things add up. And it’s so true for anyone listening. Just make one little change, and just see how it makes you feel even if it’s 30 seconds. It’s free.

29:41 Dr. Ann Tsung Yeah, and you don’t have to look at your phone at night to set your alarm. So you’re not exposed to blue light as well. That’s another thing. So you can actually have good quality sleep. And I would say, as an example of what you’re talking about automation, I automated all of my meat delivery from ButcherBox. So it’s sent every month or every month and a half or so, and it just comes. Or, Instacart. If you already have something already saved in your orders, you just reorder everything and be done with it. So make some modification, and that’s it. So it’s just like what you said. And is there a tech or a tool that you use that has been helpful for you like an app, some sort of technology, a plug-in, extension, anything that you use?

30:24 Dr. Sanjay Sharma You know what’s been the best thing for my business? It’s Calendly. Oh, my God. That makes life so better. Even for us, even for you and I when we had to reschedule this, we had a few back-and-forth texts. But now if I need to set up a call or whatever, I just shoot up a Calendly, and it’s done. It’s a silly thing, but we can do it. It’s the best. So I’d have to say that’s actually my favorite tool.

30:50 Dr. Ann Tsung Awesome. Yeah, it is pretty easy to set up on your own. You don’t need an assistant. You could get one set up in 30 minutes or so if you really wanted to. Then in terms of like, what is one step that the audience can take to get themselves educated on either real estate or how to even begin on this path? Maybe they don’t even know if they want to do real estate, but they just know they need to get out and have choices. What would you suggest they do with their one action?

31:22 Dr. Sanjay Sharma Sure. So I’m ultimately going to say — It’ll lead up to this. But I’m ultimately going to say it’s networking and meeting people. But in order to get there, especially when you’re talking about the education part, is recognize. Because A, you’ve already talked about creating time. We have some of the times we can do education. The best place is the car. How many hundreds of hours or thousands of hours in a podcast did I listen to before I’ve got my first deal? I listened to it at 1.7 or 2x speed. That’s really where I get my education. I’m also listening to audiobooks. So I recognize that dead time that you have, and I utilize that for my education. And I continuously learn whether it’s tax, real estate activities. I also do my phone calls during that time period. So I would say that’s the tool: listening to podcasts, listening to what other people are doing.

32:14 Then the next step in terms of networking is, get in our realm. We are so easy to talk to. There’s nothing intimidating about any of us. We like doing this. We like to mentor people. We like to talk to people. Then maybe introduce yourself. Like your podcast guest, myself, or anyone else, send him a message. Send a he or she a text or an email. And I bet it’s going to further your education, further your networking, and bring you into different circles. For me, it took several years to realize, to find who those people are who think like me, who are doctors and who think like me and who has those dreams. Going back to what you were asking. What’s the one thing they can do? It’s start listening to podcast 2x speed on their drive to and from work.

33:00 Dr. Ann Tsung Any podcast you recommend, books, any websites, blogs, and communities that they can look into?

33:09 Dr. Sanjay Sharma Yeah, for purely real estate education, I think BiggerPockets is a lot of fun and very educational to listen to. In terms of physician freedoms and recognizing what entrepreneurs do, I think your podcast is great. It kind of sets people on their mind. I like Vikram Raya’s podcast, Limitless MD. I like Peter Kim’s PIMD. Those are all my go-to podcasts that I listen to. In terms of books, yes, about books and resources, what I referred to an Eisenhower matrix, that came from The Perfect Week by Craig Ballantyne. That is a very simple read with simple exercises on how to create the Eisenhower matrix. It’s an actionable book as opposed to an entertainment book. It’s saying, oh, well, this person is super successful. And look what he or she did. It’s actually a workbook that you can use. So those are some of the things to use.

34:03 Dr. Ann Tsung Yeah, I use the Eisenhower all the time, especially when I’m stressed out of all the mounting list of items. It’s a great way to organize. I think just to touch on the most common mistake people do with their to-do lists is that they do the easiest one, the quickest one, the one that is due first, typically. They go by deadlines and how short of a time that it takes so they can cross it off. Though, with the Eisenhower, you’ll see what you’re doing first, it will be a hardest task, the most time-consuming probably, the most complex, the deepest work. Because that’s what you’re — it should be something that you’re doing that is always moving the needle towards your vision.

34:48 There’s a lot of things that people are doing that’s not really moving their needle towards their vision at all, whatsoever. The Eisenhower helps you to identify the not urgent but important tasks that you need to do, and that’s what you’d actually tackle first. That’s like a long story short summary of what it does, essentially. I know we talked about so much from the beginning. If you were to summarize three points that you want the audience to really take away from, what would you say it would be from this?

35:18 Dr. Sanjay Sharma Okay. So I’m going to start off by saying the audience, when they listen to your podcast and then they meet your guest is, I don’t want them to be impressed. But I want them to see themselves in who we are and what we’re becoming. That makes it palpable. That makes it tangible. And I’m hoping that that encourages people to go explore the things they need to explore, whether they’re my goals or your goals.

35:49 Other bullet points I would say is, in listening to us and in thinking, I want people to recognize that there are freedoms out there. A lot of the conversations I have with doctors is that they have a 30-year or 40-year horizon, or however long the time period is, of doing the same thing. I want them to know that there are a lot more options out there. You asked me about the 30-year, I said, well, let’s break that down into 10 years, 3 years in 1 years, and 90 days. Then when I start talking to people like that, and we just entered Q4 of 2023, it kind of blows their mind. But I know that’s how you think. I know that’s how I think. Everyone else who is listening to this podcast, we’re all the same. There’s nothing different. So I want people to recognize what those freedoms are that they’re looking, because they can be attained. So those are the things that I — I gave you two bullet points. But I think that’s what I’m hoping people get out of this.

36:50 Then the summary, just to summarize what I talked about, I talked about what drove me to do the things that I do, the inner spirit I have that was influenced by my family, and how that’s pushing me forward to hopefully give back to the world, like I said, to change the world in one way or another. I hope that that’s what I can share with others.

37:13 Dr. Ann Tsung Yeah, and if people want to learn a little bit more how they can get started, if they have additional questions — just like you said, you want to be able to educate and contribute — how can people reach you? Where can people find you?

37:27 Dr. Sanjay Sharma I’m on LinkedIn every day. So please reach out and hook up with me on LinkedIn. I’m Sanjay Sharma, MD. You can also email me directly at sanjay.sharma@excapinv.com. That’s my company, Exponential Capital Investments. It’s a smaller version instead of all those letters. Then also my website, www.excapinv.com. But I would say the best is on LinkedIn. I will reply, too.

37:54 Dr. Ann Tsung Okay. Got it. So just to repeat again, excap.com. Is that correct?

38:01 Dr. Sanjay Sharma Oh, no. It’s excapinv.com.

38:04 Dr. Ann Tsung inv.com. Capital investments.com. Okay. We will definitely have all of your contacts, social media, website, all of the email in our show notes. So the audience, you don’t have to worry. We’re going to have it on there. You don’t have to jot it down right now. I would say, right now after this, please take one action. Whether that’s getting the book The Perfect Week Formula or just setting your vision, your goal. Or, you can also do the Eisenhower matrix on what your to-do lists are right now perhaps, or just go to one of the podcasts. Or, maybe one microaction is just to reach out to Sanjay right now on LinkedIn. Send him a message. Then just connect and learn how he’s able to do this, to achieve the freedom that he has right now as a full-time physician.

38:56 So thank you again, Sanjay, so much for coming onto the show. I know that the audience will benefit greatly from this and will be — you said that you don’t want them to be intimidated or inspired. But really, we’re just here to show you that anything is possible if you have the right guidance, just like how we did it in med school.

39:16 Dr. Sanjay Sharma Great.

39:19 Dr. Ann Tsung Yeah, I really appreciate your time. Thank you so much. Then to the audience, our show notes are going to be on productivitymd.com. And if you go there, you’d have the links to everything we talked about, the resources we talked about. And also, you’ll be able to join the Productivity MD Mastermind Facebook group and book a discovery coaching call if you feel like productivity is right for you. So again, I appreciate the audience, your time, attention, and presence. And just remember that everything we need is within us now. Thank you.

39:55 Disclaimer: this content is for general information purposes only and does not constitute the practice of medicine. No doctor-patient relationship is formed. The use of this information linked to this content is at the user’s own risk. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Users should not disregard or delay obtaining medical advice for any medical conditions that may have and should seek the assistance of their healthcare professionals for any such conditions. The views are personal views only and do not represent any university or government institution.